Archive for September, 2020

Is it possible for one to serve two masters and be found to be stable in all their ways? (Matthew 6:24) What exactly does, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues,” actually mean to you? What is the practical application that manifests the plagues it warns will be the resulting effect for continuing in the folly of her conduct? (In other words, her bankrupt traditions, customs and rituals)

Is the contract that one has unwittingly enter into with the STATE, written in blood? If so, then whose blood is it written in? Did you not pledge your labor, your life and even your love too. Yes, even your love. For the execution of that contract? In other words, how else did you obtain permission from the STATE, to use PROPERTY OF THE STATE in exchange for your pledge to the STATE in Suretyship with your own blood, sweat and tears? Since it takes blood to redeem one. How else can one obtain the use of property that does not belong to one other that by and through a pledge of their own blood?

In contrast, we have a Trust that provides coverture in love with forgiveness and eternal life through the blood of a Redeemer that is the very first RES/PROPERTY that is, “Trust Special Deposited,” into a New and Better Covenant of Love and Trust that is “Granted” by the Creator and sealed in the blood of the Redeemer, His only begotten and beloved Son in whom He is well pleased?

Isn’t that why the Redeemer is the one and only appointed, “…heir of ALL things?” Or, can you blood fulfill all the law and bring all the righteousness that the Redeemer blood brought to us? So then, whose blood seals that sacred Trust, which is a Covenant of Love and Trust having a Peace Treaty, and provisions for a wedding?

Now, why does one want to still remain under contract with the STATE using their own blood to guarantee their love, life and labor for the benefit of the STATE, for the revocable permission that will allow them to make use of STATE property? Just this one other small question. Does the contract you unwittingly made with the STATE guarantee you forgiveness, mercy, and most importantly Eternal Life? So then, IF NOT, why aren’t you bolting for the door already saying, “See ya! I’ve got another, “appointment,” that I am already late for?”

Dan presents, “you’re the trustee,” in a 4-min, 6-sec video

(defined by Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary)
INDU’CEverb transitive [Latin induco; in and duco, to lead.]

1. To lead, as by persuasion or argument; to prevail on; to incite; to influence by motives. [e.g. “The emperor could not be induced to take part in the contest.”]

2. To produce by influence. [e.g. “As this belief is absolutely necessary for all mankind, the evidence for inducing it must be of that nature as to accommodate itself to all species of men.”]

3. To produce; to bring on; to cause; as a fever induced by extreme fatigue. [e.g. “The revolution in France has induced a change of opinions and of property.”]

4. To introduce; to bring into view. [e.g. “The poet may be seen inducing his personages in the first Iliad.”]

5. To offer by way of induction or inference. [Not used.]
(COMMENT: Does the 5th definition actually imply/suggest some
(form of manipulation and/or coercion can be utilized to make one
(think wrong about the results… as in you will be the “Beneficiary,”
(when the truth is you will not be, and never can be?
Dan presents… “W H O told you Gen 3:11 The Leviathan social contract”

Is Dan actually hinting in a very subtle-coy way that the “Flat Earth” syndrome, which has infected many, and distracts many, is a lie perpetuated by the WHO? 😂 (Nice connection, yes?) “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth,” Isaiah 40:22. Now, since the circle can refer to both the orbit of the earth, and directly to the earth itself, what’s the difference? Does the earth being flat, or not, have any effect upon the finished work of salvation? Is it more important to make one’s call and election sure, by working out one’s salvation with reverence and awe, than work on what is the condition of the earth? Isn’t both the earth and its orbit circles? After that, what does it matter? Just sit back and enjoy the ride, yes? Because, I will bet the farm that you cannot control it, and I will win.

Dan presents, “Birth Certificate and the Birth Registration Statement review” Give (notice I did not say, “pay”) your close attention to what Dan says herein this video. Dan delineates, very clearly, the difference between a Statement, and a Certificate. That is important to know because, facts are determined by statements, not by certificates, which as Dan pointed out, are only extracts that are unsighted. In other words, where are the witnesses? Are not all things established by the mouth of two or more witnesses? So, can you see that you’ve been framed, and that you allowed yourself to remain in that frame? No one else forced you into this, but you allowed yourself to remain in that situation and circumstance by and through your silence.

You got framed by accusation. Guess what?! That accusation will stand true until you change it; IF ever you do. So then, that is why you affirmed and confirmed that accusation.

You see, one elected to remain silent, failing to change your address. That is to say… putting it another way, failing to change, and state for the record, wherein one has placed their Trust; NOT, changing the NAME! That accomplishes nothing to effectively change one’s relationship with Government.

What do you think a Judge take silent judicial notice of, but the original record? What does a Judge check for? Thank you for asking. A Judge is checking to see if one has ever changed the original record from the defaulted record that was established the day one was born from their Mothers womb? (Statement/Application for Live Birth) In other words, did you correct the accusation that your Mother made asINFORMANTT? And, what exactly is that accusation? Or, have you left that accusation unchanged so that the accusation still stands?

There is why your “Standing,” is made know for what it is, because one does not even know what they have been accused of by their own Mother since the day they were born. (Clue: The answer is NOT on the Birth Certificate.) Think about that for a few moments. I am talking about where you stand, and that standing is the very reason why one’s Mother accused them as Informant of the accusation made against them. Now, what could that be? So, once again, I ask you, what are you being accused of? The original record is where from one is made known (Yeah, just like “Mademan” in the la cosa nostra). But, IF one does not break the original record via correcting the accusation of that record, then where will one stand? I will only tell you this much more about that accusation. Government agents of all ranks and positions will not dare touch you IF you have ever corrected that accusation correctly. It will actually put fear into them for daring any act and/or action that goes against that correct correction. Now, for the last time. What is the accusation that needs to be corrected? Yes, I am going to leave that answer up to you. For I have given more than enough clues in all of my blogs. But, the answer should be very easy for anyone who has a relationship with their Creator, to figure out.

So then, who cares what the NAME of the Earthly Estate is. Know ye not that the NAME is of the Earthly Estate that one inherited from the 1st Adam matters not? Is it not true that to change a NAME that one still needs permission from the STATE to do that? What does that say about to whom one is bowing a knee? So, why do that? Nothing really changes. Are you beginning to see why the NAME CHANGE game is a distraction keeping one from actually changing what really does matter; starting with the heart, and where they place their trust and allegiance and why.

Are you the living soul, or are you the NAME? That is why changing the NAME is irrelevant malarkey that commercial-commerce guru’s are making what they love most from… MONEY! Unfortunately, far to many of you are an easy ‘touch’ for them. So then, make no mistake about this. These so-called commercial-commerce guru’s love money more than they love you. That should be more than enough proof. However, the glaring proof is the fact that they keep on CHARGING you for their paperwork, their conferences, their seminars, and so on and so forth, and you still keep achieving NOTHING. No change in your “STATUS,” as so many have been programmed and indoctrinated to say and repeat because, status is the wrong word.

Why don’t these commercial-commerce guru’s speak of the blood of the New and Better Covenant as the solution for changing one’s “Status,” and not just changing CONTRACTS through the NAME CHANGE GAME, continuing to use your own blood as “surety” to guarantee repayment for debts one has volunteered into? So, do you know what they prove by not doing so? They prove that they are no better than the religious corporations (yes, churches), which are also only interested in profit (their god MONEY), and not helping others in love to know and understand what will actually changes one’s “Capacity” while they sojourn upon this earth and literally change their relationship not only with all the governments (administrations) of this world; the world of the Living-DEAD, but especially with their Creator-God through His Redeemer, which absolutely has to be done first for that change to applied toward all other things.

The NAME of one’s Earthly Estate inherited through the 1st man Adam could easily be “Three Little Pigs,” and it would not matter one single bit what it has been NAMED. It is still the same thing, and the accusation of the original record still stands uncorrected. The only thing that matters is, who are you in relation to that NAME and why, and under was capacity and law is that relationship going to proceed? What really does matter is where do you live, and especially how do you live. So, do you see that IF you do not know how to speak for yourself… IF you do not know how to express your intent and trust, then that will automatically be determined for you as it was when you turned the Age of Majority, and said nothing to express those things. After all, “Silence is acquiescence,” is it not?

For such a determination is in fact, the difference between Life and Death. No pressure! It’s only a life or death decision that I am actually talking about. People make those choices all the time, right? Nevertheless, it should go without saying that IF one elects to remain silent, then one will be electing to continue to experience death in and of the world of the Living-DEAD.

After all, that is the world that one was born into from their Mother’s womb, and there is not one thing anyone can do about that ‘Fact-of-Life,’ EXCEPT to change their mind and disposition concerning that fact-of-life,… later-on, when one comes into the knowledge and understanding for why and how one being, “Born Again,” “Born from above,” “Born anew creation,” changes one’s relationship with their Creator, through the finished work of His beloved son, as Redeemer, which then directly affects one’s relationship with all the governments of men. Now, do you see why correcting one’s address and the accusation, not the NAME, corrects the mistake of not having expressed one’s will and intent when they became of the Age of Majority?

Nevertheless, “Speak now, or forever hold your peace.” As in speak, express and make it known by the memorization of the correction of the original record that your will and intent is to be in-trust and trust-in the one that created you and gave you your life, and pledge your love, life and liberty for doing all things in accordance with His Will, His Way and His Word. IF one can do this, then to that one I can and will confidently say that you will know and experience Life, and that Life will most certainly be more abundant.