Archive for Thursday, March 1, 2018

All “Members,” of a, “Political Party,” are, “Members,” (not citizens) of a private group. In other words, a private society, such as the two-distinct private societies at the City of Washington in the District of Columbia, which is why the District of Columbia is not a STATE. It has NO United States citizenship for those in and of a private society in that District.
So then, if one chooses to make a peace treaty with a private society how does that help the PUBLIC, where all the debt is, where are the sureties are being administrated, where the true war is being perpetuated daily by and through the GRAND-TRADITION of men passed along unto each generation… that is the CHIEF-TRADITION of all LEGAL SOCIETIES……(drum-roll please)….. C-O-M-M-E-R-C-E?
Is not commerce, the buying and selling of LEGAL TITLES (PUBLIC) administrated under the rules of bankruptcy for a LEGAL SOCIETY (PUBLIC), ultimately the real war perpetuating mankind’s rebellion against its Creator? So then, is not Commerce ultimately the , “Quite Weapon for Silent War,” that makes war against mankind’s very Creator-God and His appointed Heir of all things? How does this figure into the commerce game? How does this figure into settling all matters of debt, charges, taxes, fines, fees, etc., etc.?
Why is mankind buying, fighting over and selling LEGAL TITLES any how? Is not the LEGAL TITLE the result of a bifurcation of a once pure unadulterated Equity Title that belongs only to the Beneficiary as Equity considers the Beneficiary the true owner? Is mankind that one true owner? Is there not only One appointed Heir and Beneficiary of all things? Is the maxim of law, “God, not man, makes the heir,” untrue? If so, then why did it become a MAXIM?
• How is the bifurcation of that one pure Equity Title that belongs to the appointed Heir and Beneficiary of all things, NOT AN ACT OF WAR?
• If it was not mankind that started this war, then who started it?
• Why are we here?
• Why was mankind evicted from the abundance of the First and Highest Estate to experience a fleshly existence in bankruptcy, lack and limitation?
• Was the bifurcation of the One Pure Equity Title not an outright theft of stealing things from the Heir of all things that deemed this fleshly experience necessary?
• How is the unlawful conversion of “things” into “PROPERTY” to engage in the LEGAL SOCIETY TRADITION of buying and selling (commerce) not outright theft?
• How is that not an act of war?
• Truly I ask you, is commerce not the fulcrum point of what repentance is all about; and, that when done in accordance with the Will of the Creator shows competency for self-governance and thus shifts the one doing so from the world of bankruptcy, back into the world of abundance?
• So then, exactly WHY did the Master/Jesus/Yahuwah-shua turn over the tables of the moneychangers if it were not for the fact that buying and selling shall never-ever be accepted behavior of the private members of the private society of the Body of Christ?
If one can see this, and how this is the war that is the cause of mankind being evicted from the Garden of the First and Highest of Eden, then is this not the war that needs to “Cease and Desist” before one can and will be recognized as Co-Heir WITH the appointed Heir of ALL things, to be in and of THEE private society, greater than all other private societies, as a Member of the Body of the Christ? (I tell you the truth the members of Congress would be jealous of one having such a membership. For their private-societies do not have, nor can ever have… any distinction as Co-Heir with the appointed Heir of all things).
Is not this war conquered and overcome by changing one’s mind firstly… by rejecting all of the TRADITIONS, CUSTOMS, and RITUAL OBLIGATIONS of men that perpetuates in perpetuity COMMERCE? (The ultimate Quite Weapon for Silent War) After all of this, perhaps I should have asked firstly, do you even think it possible that COMMERCE… and, to engage in all of its activities, traditions, and customs, is making war?
If not, then go back and enjoy that tradition. One is very much at liberty to do so. However, enjoy that tradition with this one final thought, …

“How come the, “Love of Money,” which is the main device/tool/standard that anchors all of commerce, is the ROOT of all EVIL, and if one loves money, and/or makes love FOR money… in the many facets that commerce offers, then how can one love anything else, much less keep the two-greatest commandment of the New Covenant of Trust, without revealing that they are with a double mind that automatically nullifies them from being recognized AS Co-Heir with the appointed Heir of ALL things?”